Development Dialogue 2014 - Save the Date!


We are very thrilled to invite you to our Seventh Development Dialogue between 20th and 22nd January 2014. The Development Dialogue is an international conference, organized in Hubli, Karnataka that brings thousands of people including world leaders, visionaries, grassroots activists, social entrepreneurs and innovators together to celebrate success and discuss issues that are relevant to the social sector.

We at the Deshpande Foundation started our efforts on the “Social Innovation Sandbox”, centered around Hubli, Karnataka to create an ecosystem similar to Silicon Valley, which focuses on Social Entrepreneurship. In the last eight years, we have made over 100 partnerships, directly touched six million people and helped a dozen of social enterprises to scale. Proven ideas in Hubli have led to the creation of other sandboxes abroad as well as here in India.

While we are helping established models scale and fostering an environment for applying entrepreneurship in making a meaningful change to people’s lives, we are aware of the fact that the process of transformation is incomplete if one does not take into consideration what counts the most for the people and the ecosystems that we are creating the change for. Hence, this year’s Development Dialogue is dedicated to the theme of “counting what matters”.

Please save the date as we invite you to bring your own understanding and experience of the theme to the Development Dialogue 2014; and through the course of three days engage in thought provoking panels and interactive sessions that offer unparalleled networking opportunities.