5 Months Learning’s in Deshpande Foundation at Hubli
I have completed 5month as a fellow in DFP, in this time I am changing myself more and I have got more network. I wanted to change my attitude but what I learnt that should satisfied that. I have prepared myself as a responsible person and I am making good planning about my career. I have communicated with so many people that are why I got confidence to speak in English. Every module has effective learning.
Basic pre-training, LEAD activity, marketing module, PRA (participatory rural appraisal), village extended village research study, RTI act-2005, 5K challenge really this challenging module, Education module and Entrepreneurship activity. All modules are giving future related information and if I got all those information then I can a perfect in the personality development, leadership qualities.
v English Language
I despite having a master degree but I was not able to talk front of people and I have good field experience even though I did not show everywhere because hesitation. After joining DFP I have changed my attitude. In English language was very big problem for me because I was not ready to talk one minute also but Jennifer and Charlotte they were giving more helped to improve my English language.
Charlotte’s way of the teaching very nice because When I have seen her first time that time I thought that I could not speak English but Charlotte taught very nice then Jennifer also each words and each sentence I asked because I do not know English. They gave more concentrate on me to change my mind set because I used to tell front of Charlotte I cannot speak English properly. I got good response from all DFP staffs and every person also gave solution me for getting English.
v Writing skill in English language
Despite having a master degree I had known good English in specially writing skill. If I cannot join DFP It would not learnt writing English. Now able to write any report in English my level best because I have got training for writing only 45 days these days I gained from Charlotte and Jennifer. These guys gave good information for me in writing skill. Before joining I was not able to write any a paragraph in English but Now I can write article also that much of confidence I am getting continuously in this training.
v RTM (Read To Me)
Through this software I improved myself in my pronunciations and my English vocabulary increased this only. Mr.Vishawanath had good thought because I made more mistake and I asked many more question even though Sir gave good feedback to learn more and change pronunciation. In RTM software is one of the good way identify English words.
When I attended first class was very bore because I didn’t understand English words because I have known some English words. I used more time to create my only good voice modulation through this I got good learning my level best.
v Stage courage:
I have adopted effective stage courage through daily Presentation and I improved in this sector because this also one of the main problems I have been facing same problem since 5years back. I wanted to change this attitude finally through giving presentation. In the DFP made as a good confidential person , before joined DFP that time I was going on stage to give information about topic then I was shaking voice and body also it would have very disturbed me. I got confuse myself only here I have reduced shaking of the voice.
v Changing my Attitude
I had as like child behavior before joining DFP but in the DFP during my instructor. Each person also changed me to improve myself in the attitude some would have been giving feedback me improve myself that is the main cause of the DFP. I had each attitude some deferent attitude such as common sense, confidence, in the drama or skits and I have changed in my attitude
v Leadership qualities
I have learnt about Leadership qualities through LEAD Activity I have conducted Lead activity programs in different villages and this one type of my achievement because I don’t know this area people and them attitude even though I have conducted LEAD program about AIDS and Right To Information. If I never come here I wouldn’t have been like these qualities. I would like to do LEAD activity because of it will give some challenge for me and some kind of learning also. I wanted learn more leadership qualities.
v Marketing skill
In my life I have taken most challenging thought was Marketing. In my 5K challenge made me as like perfect person to do anything and it gave real life for me because I could not go any one day also in market to purchase but 5K made a perfect marketer. It was a horrible and knowledge full thing also. This gives me a value of the each rupees and I could have wasted more money in life because I shouldn’t know main values of the money through this 5K I have learnt about convincing people, parching skill, bargaining and earning of the money.
I got knowledge about business in the business way of the investing money after the investing way of the getting profit also. I had good experience about marketing because way of the starting business before going to make business plane I have to have good pre-plan then it good for start new business for getting profit. Through this marketing I ensured about before going to do business I have to conduct a survey about business otherwise I would have felid in the business.
v PRA (Participatory rural appraisal)
Through this module I understood about the main study of village because India has village’s country that is why I have to work in rural area if I want to do work in the village I need to know about way of the dealing work in the village sector. In this module gave me knowledge about in the village way of the taking meeting, discuss with villagers regarding villages having problem. In the rural area if I want to search their problems then I should know about way of the taking or collecting data. It taught me to take data easily and now I got confidence to do work and find out problems.
After the fellowship if I will get chance to do work in rural area now I can able do that work effectively and innovatively because in DFP every steps giving good learning with practically. Like this learning I cannot see anywhere because here they ensure that in the society the main reality they are trying giving more information that should be very help full me to work with good commitment.
In the village way of the real problems findings also I have learnt through this DFP. Really it can give anything knowledge if we have ready to listen that entire thing what we are suggesting them but that should be very help full for in future life.
v Extended Village study
Before I was joining I haven’t know about research because I have done in my during MSW but that was very generally and that was didn’t have specific topic. I have done research about “Importance of the Earth Worm” even though I wasn’t perfect in the research then I have made good research in NGARALA village about Education then I came to know what is the real research because MR. Naveen and MR Pramodkumar sirs have given related subject and they gave suggestion for me to prepare good research topic to do effective and innovative research.
Through this research study I came to know about my research topic and way of the writing questions and methodology. Through this people I came to know about research in those research hypotheses in most important because before going to take survey after study then we have to have all those things which are the coming under research.
If I don’t know about main rules and regulation in research then I cannot do research. If I want to do effective really I wanted to give solution then I need to do work on that rather then that should be wrong that’s without knowing I cannot do study because there is no good result. I have got more research knowledge in the research.
v Right to information act-2005
Through this module I have capacity to get information wherever I want just I have to do only writing applications. In this module I reflected all India’s administration because without knowing this knowledge we cannot get information. It is very impotent to everyone because some information needed then we cannot get information if I have RTI then I will get easily whatever I need information in the under Government sectors.
In the module was giving me to know what is real RTI act power in the society through this I got information when they have sent me to do practically that is why I got easily all those steps whichever I need to get easily information.
v Guest speaker session
Through this guest speaker session I am getting more knowledge because it would give more networks to develop our self and it would give good knowledge regarding developments deferent sectors. It should be there because after the compellation my DFP I have to do work in social development sectors only. I got good communication skill also and it will very help full to improve my English also that is why through this guest speaker I can get more knowledge to build myself effectively.
v Glocal article
Through this activity I can write article about which is the good for me to change my attitude and give turning point to develop myself because I have good opportunity to show our feeling and learning also. It will very help full to build our future because it gives me more network.
v Conclusion
In the DFP all those program are very good for learning because every program or module have learning with field visit. I wanted to learn more thing here whatever they will give work I will do that and I will try to give my suggestion for DFP if it is possible and of it is help for DFP. I am enjoying all process myself with having effective learning