Agriculture module on 21-12-2011


Agriculture module gave more knowledge about basic agriculture with main problem in India. In the morning I have seen movie which is showing India’s farmers attitude and their all those works. Farmers would have more problems and through this movie Mr Sainath has to try to show reality in India’s agriculture field there are many suicides which are the going on day by day that is increasing more.
Through movie Mr Sainath recorded about suicides family are facing more problem in family more than 70% people are having 4-5 children what about their children and their families members because they dint know about out of the home activities. They never had seen like this situation. He gave stamen about these families they did not get one rupees from Government and Government people also did not see also like this position.
He fought against Government for giving solution them whoever having like these problems. He collected more data about these issues to show Government finally he got some achievement for giving solution. He gave information regarding suicide families are facing problems. He has campaign against Government through this campaign he had big rally in Maharashtra and he tried to give solution for whoever having like this families.
In the Agriculture module class Sangeeta was taking nice class and she covered more contents. She gave information about in the soil there is mixed things are there. Stone powdered, Micro organ tics, Nitration, water and air. She gave information about mixed content in the soil.
    In the fertilizer there are 16 types such as DAP, UREA, NITRAGO, 70:70, 20:20 AND 50:50.
In the rural farmers they don’t know about this contents if they will see and know about that should be fertilizer they will bring easily after harvesting only they will know about result because they do not have basic knowledge about that fertilizers.
She played us game through this game I understood about NPK nutrients this one type of the fertilizer and it included Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potation. She taught about farmers are seeding fertilizers as usually season wise. I got that information.
2nd key task in improving soil fertilizing status
Farm yard manure this like micro organisms and biomass fertilizes gang bag tale powder if person will maintain all those things then farmers get good crops. First farmers will make  soil test because it will very important through this test we will get information what soil have reduce content that should be we can add through activity test.
Importance soil fertilize in necessary to mixed in agriculture land then they will get good crops to have build good economic. In the fertilizer there are many types for example oil cakes, grand net, Neem and bio-fertilizer. One more important thought is earth worms because if they want to real organic fertilizers they will get easily through earth worm it is very good theory to do that work without more investment and if they will make once it will come long time to do use in the land for getting good crops through crops making money also that is why earth worm is very important fertilizer ways.
Game plane 
In the afternoon class I played a game related agriculture called Hearing, Seeing, Sensing through this game I enjoyed myself lot with my friends. Finally through this game I got some importance message that is “If I hear, I may forget, if I see, I may be forgetting, if I do it I become perfect”. This game made us too thing about our learning’s. Every person needs experience because they would get training from some training institution then they will come to know where is the main mistake if they know about them problems they can give solution.

“Farmer field school” program
This program belong farmers agriculture activities through this activity they would give information about agriculture new technology. They will give training to farmers about new agriculture theory. They call this is “school of without wall”. This program includes some subjects which are the important for farmers.
1.      Explorers  visit
2.      Demo nation
3.      Participatory process 
4.       Extension workers
They will use to take class for farmers about some teaching and they will take activity in agriculture land only. They have to have good facilitate for take subject facilitate. This program is very nice to build good farmers.
Extension workers tools
In this program they will make whole time table for give information about agriculture new theory to improve their seeding style. They are using some tools for give effectiveness in the program.
1.      Exposure visit
2.      Demon action
3.      Participatory
4.      Participatory process
5.      Awareness
In the process they would expecting from farmers
1.      In this program first process is selecting 25-30 farmers to give training them.
2.      Selecting field place for making process.
3.      Searching Final solution for their agriculture programs
4.      Facilitating is a kind of method to involve people for creating new, learning and adult learning’s.  
FFC program’s components
1.      20-25 farmers :- In this program has first component is in village select farmers to identify land to make group discussion there only because all villagers will come and gather a place that should be help full to convey message to everyone.
2.      Learning is the field: - in this component says that every activity and every project’s information will give in land only because if they will decide for getting training. Villagers only choose a place for discussion.
3.      Trained facilitation should be 2 members
  This program says that have tow facilitator because 20-25 farmers we cannot control that is why it should be have two facilitators.
4.      Curriculum
This program made very nice curriculum they give more importance foe farmers free time and according to their opinion through they made curriculum. They will give information through some activities and with songs.
Principal of FFS( farmers field school)
They have prepared beautiful curriculum and they have made good principal also. Every principal has good information they will give information what they all farmers need.
1.      Learning by doing
2.      Farmer learning
3.      Learning from mistakes
4.      Learn How to learn
5.      Problems solving
6.      Farmers field- learning site
7.      Extension workers facilitation not teachers 
8.      Unity is strength
9.      Every FFS is Unique
10.  Systematic training process

Improved crops activities
In this activities are having more activities about Agriculture and they all villagers are having more interesting. In this program say that if they have good crops method they have only tradition but now a day new technology has given more improvement that is why this program also made good crops methods.
1.       Crops rotation
2.      Mixed cropping
3.      Strip crop line by line
4.      Catch crops
5.      Use of improved variety
6.      SRI( systematic rice intensification
7.      Use of treatment
8.      Trap cropping
9.      Trees crops in forming systematic