Report of NGOs visit on 15-12-2011
Head Held High gives tremendous Education for Whoever doesn't know Kannada Writing, reading and They don't know how to behave in the society they are speaking English within 8month period and It is not possible to common people also because whoever completed them post graduation but now also they struggling to speak English and hesitating to speak front of the people that is why we have give a salute for that Head Held High organization.
Balaa Belaga School
This is one of the good schools in the entire Karnataka. These people are using teaching way is very nice and excellent also because they would use very easy method that should not hirable for children. It gives main values of the society. As a social researcher I have found there each building also saying story. It is so nice for children to identification all words. It teaches children to use all Animals and all things through this they conveying message to children and they are giving Education as like home system, they never use to call as teacher they are calling as like Mama and Maoushi it was very nice style and it gives good relation between teachers and children.
Building constructed
In Balaa Belaga School was formed scientifically and they have constructed building very nice each rooms have playing materials and they are using curriculum for teaching according to their planning was very nice. They each place is use full and they wanted to deigns building as like learning.
Teaching Staff
In the school have good quality teachers they can prove themselves and they did not get any teaching skill training even though they are giving practically education for children. In the school all teachers are fresher’s and they committed well for conveying message easily. Teachers doesn’t give concentrate for earning money through this school but they satisfied their salary even though they aren’t get money for taking whole responsibility. In the school they are having good relation between student and teachers.
Output of this school
This school has effective output and they proved that through enjoy full learning also giving good and quality education for children. Through this school they proved themselves about what they have all planning for learning for children. They got many awards from Government and other development sector. Deshpande Foundation also appreciated their works and they using method through this activity they showed that it was nice teaching way of the brining good knowledge that is why foundation also giving money for children.
Equip India organization
Equip origination was founded by Mr Thim and Miss. Aruna in the year of 1997. They are very interested to do work in the disable sector and they planned for establish a organization for like this people. When they started organization for disable people then they used creative and innovative way of the giving solution. They thought that if they want to give some service for society that should be very deferent. They started to give deferent skill for disable people to build a good future and they can have good living life. They concentrate more about education, small entrepreneurs and making jobs. It was a nice organization.
Targeted people
Equip India organization has targeted people are handicap, HIV/AIDS clients.
Working area
In the Hubli sour ding 15 villages it has taken to do work and to give service for targeted people. It was founded purpose is empowering disable people. It supposes to ready to give service whole India but they don’t have that much of money to maintain those entire thing what they want to do work for sustain disable people. They have planned to serve service for Karnataka people and after that they want to serve all India. It was also future plane of the Equip India organization.
Service and Benefits of the Equip India organization
Equip India organization would give service for disable people for example
· Counseling for HIV/AIDS clients
· Giving materials
· Course for handicap people
· Skill opportunity
· Manufacturing materials which very needed for handicap people
· Treatment for HIV/AIDS clients
· Course included- time duration is 6month and it providing computer training, spoken English, small skill and job opportunity for every people.
My opinion about Equip India organization
Equip India organization have done well job and through this organization are giving service about communicate based whoever are poor people. It gives more opportunity for disable people whoever have fascinate their fields and it is searching new thing, skill, jobs and they have to have minimum living life.
This organization is rising fund also some others donors whoever have good thought about disable people. It would not take Government help also even though they are giving good service for disable people. It gives deferent type of small skill enterprise which are very help full for making them future nicely.
HEAD HELD HIGH organization
This organization is doing excellent job because they are selecting target group was amazing. Whoever doesn’t go to schools doesn’t get education and if they don’t know Kannada also they should consider as fellow of the organization. It would start early a batch that should proper way.
Course details
This course is “Training for Uneducated students”. It gives training free foe students and it gives all those think what they need to learn effectively. English language is compulsory and they are giving education in English. This course has time duration is 8 month with accommodation. It starts class in village level only. Through this organization was taking a big risk to give good education with placement. In the organization got graduation they are working in different areas. They are taking only between 17 to 21 years students.
Interview for selecting fellows
They would go to all villages which are coming under sand box area and they would give some challenge for students who ever come to give interview for getting admission in organization. They did not see anything about their Education because they never want most intelligent students. They would concentrate their quaracity about Education. They designed very well interview rules. Each year they have to select only defend upon their money because they have to pay each student more Rs-70,000.
All training expenditures are like this they are providing computer training with English knowledge. If any student selected for training they have to be live their only because it has own rules about learning. If they want to go anywhere they have to take permission from staff.
Teaching way
It could use way of the teaching really tailoring because they never know proper Kannada also even though they are taking like that students because they would use innovative teaching way and their commitments as like that, if they can do it any thing. They proved also to give good quality students for society. They give concentrate more students only they living with student wherever camp will be going on
Organization’s Training pedagogy
In the training time they are using deferent teaching way that should be maintain as like innovative and creative because if they want to give quality education for uneducated students that should be very challenging task for them to maintain all students and work on that students they never know school environment. They have to fallow rules and regulation and they have give Education in English language. They have done work is really tailoring. They are using deferent way of teaching to give good module for them which are belong them future.
1. English language
2. Computer knowledge
3. Mathematics’
4. Logical reasoning life skill
Method theory of teaching way’s materials
Teaching to use materials which is belonging subject such as videos, stories, drama or skits, songs and animations through this way they are training them to make understand easily all those subject. They are using for teaching English language through creates situations.
Out of the Head Held High organization
They proved through their works what they are in the field. They gave opportunity already 120 students all having good English language they knew well communication there is example for good communication his name Ramesh. He has done very good work which is we cannot do it that work easily. He doesn’t know English because he didn’t attend school after the finished the fellowship program he learnt well English. If we give Kannada news paper to him for read then he cannot read that because he doesn’t know Kannada reading but if you give English paper to him for reading he will read easily and he will give explane also about that topic because he proved that uneducated also can learn English language. Like this more people are having this organization.
Mr Ramesh has done a excellent work that was he went to meet Anil Ambani to discuss with him about his life story but that time Anil Ambani was lost more money in his business. He asked him to give time for discussing then Ambani said that no sorry I had only 5 minute within time you have to complete then he said within 5minute I cannot explain all my stories because I had each day as like story then He gave time for discuss of un hour. He brought money for next batch. I would like to salute for them because they are doing work is amazing.
In the evening time I have seen branch of Deshpande Foundation it works on Cotton. I got information about cotton he said that is this year rain was not good that is why they never get success. If it rains well they would have got good success. Through this NGOs visit I have got more knowledge about way of the learning in the non government sectors.