Education Module
I had class about RTE( Right to Education ) about this subject I have given seminar. I had more feedback regarding RTE act -2009. I shred my view about Education. RTE act has a good intention about Education and this act gives more important for elementary education to get easily every India children. It gives more right to everyone children they would ask anything in the school.
I have got some feedback about this session I have tried more to give reply that all question’s answers and I gave chance to others also whoever knows well regarding this act. It gives every children has to have right to get Education If any people come middle to give solution. It has right for children If they all children will have got any problems they have to have a right to ask any question for their teachers.
Right to Education has some challenges If they will try to give solution for that then only it will be very power full act. RTE act has challenges.
1 .Why only act says -14 children has to get education but why can not 0-18?
2. Disabled left act of Education bill
3. Requirement of the qualified and teacher qualification
4. Automatic passage to next class may be counter productive
If all try to give some solution for this Act will be very success, because challenges are main problems of the every act and every program also. It has to get easily then see it has done half way.
I leant about “BALABELAGA” team which is doing work in Education. This is giving teaching way is very deferent and this team introduce new teaching way and innovative words. It gives Education is every children whoever have interest. It takes money from parents 10,000Rs this is using as a deposited in the institute. Through this organization 3children came here and they shared their experience. They had good innovative way of the speaking because they used very well.
It started only 3children but it has more than 150 students. It gives morality education which is cannot see in any other school. It achieved more about Education sector and they have syllabus as like central Education system. This school included English language also. They referred more books to prepare their syllabus. They would give information through songs and some deferent activates. It has so much work done. It is morel to every private school to apply that to bring quality in Education.
In the school they have meeting every week that should be with parents because If parents has registered them children in school they have to visit to every week a day for know about children learning steps. It has very clear cut about parents meeting about children Education. How much teachers have right to teach them, that much power and right also have every parents and they have to know about their children attitude. It would do good job in the Education sector which is having as role model of the other school.